Mathias Fjællegaard Jensen

Research Affiliate

University of Oxford

Mathias Fjællegaard Jensen is a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, University of Oxford, and a Non-Stipendiary Research Fellow at Nuffield College. Mathias’ research agenda centers on inequalities in the labour market, with the aim of contributing to a nuanced understanding of labour market dynamics, earnings disparities, familial influences, and the socio-economic trajectories of diverse populations.

Currently, Mathias studies labour market inequalities from three distinct perspectives. 1) The roles of gender and family dynamics in the labour market. Leveraging a unique combination of Danish job vacancy data and matched employer-employee register data, Mathias explores how job characteristics and their returns depend on the gender of the worker. 2) The economic effects of parental death on children. In different projects, Mathias investigates how the impact of parental death evolves over the life cycle and the mechanisms at play during different life stages. 3) Outcomes of children of immigrants relative to the children of locals. Utilising detailed Danish administrative data, Mathias’ projects assess differences in outcomes and in levels of intergenerational mobility.

Mathias joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in April 2024.

