Sebastian Link

Research Affiliate

Ifo Institute for Economic Research

Sebastian Link is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the ifo Institute in Munich and member of the Junior Faculty of LMU Munich.

In 2018, he obtained his Ph.D. (Dr. oec. publ.) from the University of Munich under the supervision of Uwe Sunde. In his research, he works on macro issues using micro data, the expectation formation of firms, and the adjustment of firms to shocks and policy interventions such as minimum wages and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sebastian Link joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in May 2020.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 16056
Sebastian Link, Manuel Menkhoff, Andreas Peichl, Paul Schüle
forthcoming in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2024.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 15090
published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 2023,135, 99-115
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13568
Almut Balleer, Sebastian Link, Manuel Menkhoff, Peter Zorn
published as 'Demand or Supply? Price Adjustment Heterogeneity during the Covid-19 Pandemic' in: International Journal of Central Banking, 2024, 20 (1), 93-158, 2024.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13457
published in: German Economic Review, 2022, 23 (1), 79-119
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13253
published as 'Sentiment and Firm Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic' in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, 195, 185 - 198