Melanie Guldi

Research Fellow

University of Central Florida

Melanie Guldi is an Associate Professor at the University of Central Florida in the College of Business. She currently serves as a co-editor of the Review of the Economics of the Household and as an associate editor for the Journal of Population Economics.

Dr. Guldi’s research focuses on economic demography and health. Her recent work examines trends in US fertility, the relationship between the public transfer program and fertility as well as maternal and infant health, and the influence of increased access to broadband Internet on fertility and health outcomes. Her work has been published in Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Demography, and Quarterly Journal of Economics. It has also been covered by the popular press in the Atlantic, Business Insider, CNN, The Guardian, Global News, and other popular outlets.

Melanie Guldi joined IZA as a Research Fellow in April 2023.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 10082
published in: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2017, 36 (4), 748 - 772
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9480
published as 'Maybe Next Month? Temperature Shocks and Dynamic Adjustments in Birth Rates ' in: Demography, 2018, 55 (4), 1269-1293.