Eric Bartelsman

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Eric Bartelsman (1960) is professor of economics and vice-dean at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He received a BS at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received his PhD from Columbia University. He has served as economist at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington DC, as advisor to the CPB, Netherlands, and as head of the economic research department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands. His research interests focus on the sources of productivity growth, both from a micro and macro point of view. Recently, his work is on international comparisons of the productivity and resource reallocation at the firm-level. Bartelsman is a Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute. He has served as member of the Netherlands Council of Economic Advisors (REA), non-resident fellow of DG-ECFin and currently is research visitor at the ECB. He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in April 2007.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 7540
published in: Industrial and Corporate Change, 2015, 24(5), 875-949
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4895
published in: International Economic Review, 2018, 57 (3), 787 - 825
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4578
published in: American Economic Review, 2013, 103 (1), 305-334