I am a Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Turin, Visiting Professor at the University of Reading and IZA Fellow. I was at the University of Reading from 2000 to 2022 (Head of Department from 2013 to 2016). I am a member of the Gender Commission of the Italian Society of Economics and of the Women in Economics Network. In the UK I am a member of the Women in Economics Networks, and advisor of the Women Committee of the Royal Economic Society, and I was also Deputy Head of the Conference of Heads of Economics Departments and the Communications and Engagement Committee of the RES.

My research focuses on behavioral and labor economics, with a focus on gender, stigma, and social norms. My publications study the role of inequalities and social norms in education, paid and unpaid work, pensions and the paid sex market. I like to work with interdisciplinary teams and currently I am particularly interested in techniques for identifying biases in text and images and illicit trafficking of cultural goods. My current projects focus on behaviour change in the labour market and cities and on interventions to reduce inequalities in education.

I direct the Cube Project (Contrasting Unconscious Bias in Education), the Work Package on Behaviour Change and Gender and Diversity in the Horizon2020 INHABIT consortium, I am Co-I of the Nuffield Infant Feeding Decisions and Return to Work project, Advisor in Horizon2020 DivAirCity and Advisor in the Learning Academy of Sanoma. In the past she has received funding from ESRC, British Academy, TEARFUND, MIUR and I have been involved in the evaluation of international development projects (UN-Inter-American Development Bank, UN-ECLAC), government policies in the United Kingdom (Home Office) and consultancy on Diversity and Inclusion. I have given various public speeches and regularly collaborate with national and international media.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 17751
Elisa Baldazzi, Pietro Biroli, Marina Della Giusta, Florent Dubois
IZA Discussion Paper No. 16282
Elia Acciai, Michele Belloni, Marina Della Giusta, Giovanna Segre
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13398
published in: Frontiers in Psychology, 2021,12, 687570.
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