October 2024

IZA DP No. 17341: Discrimination and Health Outcomes in England's Black Communities amid the Cost-of-Living Crisis: Evaluating the Role of Inflation and Bank Rates

This study utilised longitudinal data from Black History Month events in London from 2021 to 2023. Novel findings revealed that increased inflation and Bank Rates, related to the cost-of-living crisis, were associated with greater discrimination and deteriorations in both general and mental health for Black individuals. Moreover, it was found that during the cost-of-living crisis period, i.e., 2022-2023, discrimination was more adversely related to general and mental health deterioration compared to the period before the cost-of-living crisis, i.e., 2021. In addition, women, non-native individuals, non-heterosexual individuals, the unemployed, economically inactive individuals, those with lower educational attainment, and older individuals experienced higher levels of discrimination and reduced general and mental health compared to reference groups. The findings of the study contribute to the literature by demonstrating the intertwined associations of macroeconomic deteriorations and discrimination with the health of the Black community, and its subgroup differences, providing a basis for targeted policies.