Sonia Bhalotra is Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick. She obtained an MPhil and DPhil from Oxford and a BSc Hons from Delhi. Her research has made contributions in the areas of health, gender and political economy.

Sonia is a labour economist with interests in gender and health. Her research has contributed to understanding skill creation, the long run benefits of early life health interventions, maternal and child health including maternal depression and adolescent mental health, the gender pay gap, fertility, abortion, IVF, domestic violence, workplace sexual harassment and women’s inheritance rights. Her research is set, inter alia, in India, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, America, the UK, Denmark, Sweden and the US.

She is Principal Investigator on an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council 2021-2026, Co-Investigator ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change at ISER Essex 2019-2024, collaborator on a NIH funded project 2020-2025 and Co-lead on the Wellbeing Theme at the CAGE Research Centre Warwick. She was recently Co-Investigator ESRC Project on Human Rights, Big Data and Technology at the Human Rights Centre Essex 2015-2021.

She is Fellow of the International Economic Association (2021-), the UK Academy of Social Sciences (2019-), the Centre for Economic Policy Research CEPR London (2019-), IEPS Brazil (2020-), SFI Denmark (2012-) and IFS London (2022-).

She is on the Council of the Royal Economic Society, on the Women in Economics Committee of the European Economic Association, Visiting Professor at the University of Rotterdam under a gender-diversity initiative, Senior Editor Oxford Research Encyclopaedia Economics and Finance, and Associate Editor at the Economic Journal.

Sonia has acted as Keynote or Panelist in both academic and policy conferences on about 40 occasions in the last five years. She earlier served on the Evidence Panel of the Early Intervention Foundation and the International Advisory Board of Lancet Women. She has been a Visiting Professor at Oxford, Essen and Gothenburg. She has served on Scientific Committees at the WHO, UNICEF, ILO, British Academy, the European Society of Population Economics Council, the International Review Panel of the Danish Research Council and several ESRC committees, and she was a CROP Research Fellow at Bergen.

She has or has had collaborations with academics in Politics, Psychology, Philosophy, Medicine, Law.

Her AER March 2020 paper with Victoria Baranov, Pietro Biroli and Joanna Maselko was covered in AER Research Highlights: And summarised in this Video:

Her daughter Sameera made this video of her 2013 paper on cognitive development and infectious disease:

The IGC/LSE created this video of her paper showing that economic growth improves under women legislators:

Sonia has written several blogs, some of which can be found here:


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 9930
published in: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2019, 11 (2), 295-237
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9679
published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 143, 102413
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8969
published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2017, 15 (1), 1101 - 1157
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7771
published in: Economic Journal, 2018, 128 (614), 1844 -1878
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7473
published in: Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 2014, 104, 4-17
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6216
published in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2014, 6 (2), 164-97
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6194
published in: American Economic Review, 2012, 102 (3), 273-277