Bernardo Fanfani is Assistant Professor in political economy at the Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Torino. He is Research Fellow at CRILDA (Catholic University of Milano), IZA and LABORatorio R. Revelli. He received his PhD from the University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto. His research focuses on the determinants and dynamics of wage inequality, labor market discrimination, impact evaluation of labor market policies, industrial relations, and collective bargaining. He has published in several international scientific journals, in particular Journal of Public Economics, Labour Economics and British Journal of Industrial Relations. He has collaborated with several international organizations and Italian public institutes, in particular Eurofound, ITC-ILO, UNICRI and the Italian Social Security Institute (INPS).


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 14532
published in: Economica, 2025, 92 (365), 107 - 149
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10293
published in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2019, 57 (2), 377-407