Our global research network ist the largest in labor economics. It consists of more than 2,000 experienced Research Fellows und young Research Affiliates from more than 450 research institutions in the field. IZA's network activities are supported  by a Network Advisory Panel which represents a range of diverse viewpoints and constituencies, including a mix of different seniorities within the profession. The geography of our network underscores our ambition to integrate and stimulate labor economics worldwide. Read more about the appointment process.

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Mayr, Lukas

Research Affiliate

University of Essex

Mazzonna, Fabrizio

Research Fellow

USI Università della Svizzera Italiana

Mbaye, Linguère Mously

Research Fellow

African Development Bank

Mbiti, Isaac M.

Research Fellow

University of Virginia

McCormick, Barry (decd)

Research Fellow

University of Oxford

McGee, Andrew

Research Fellow

University of Alberta

McGuinness, Seamus

Research Fellow

Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin

McHenry, Peter

Research Fellow

College of William and Mary

McIsaac, Michelle

Research Affiliate

World Health Organization

McKinnish, Terra

Research Fellow

University of Colorado, Boulder

McNally, Sandra

Research Fellow

University of Surrey

McVicar, Duncan

Research Fellow

Queen's University Belfast

Meckl, Jürgen

Research Fellow

Justus Liebig University, Giessen

Meekes, Jordy

Research Fellow

Leiden University

Mehrotra, Santosh

Research Fellow

University of Bath

Meier, Stephan

Research Fellow

Columbia University