Giovanni Russo

Research Fellow

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)

Giovanni Russo received his PhD from the Free University of Amsterdam in 1996 then he moved to Utrecht University, where he remained till 2004, to become Associate Professor. He has taught at Turin University and he is now at the Free University (Amsterdam) and has a complementary teaching appointment at Trieste University.

He is an applied labor economist and his research interests are: i. labor demand and in particular firms' recruitment behaviour and the way it changes to adapt to changing labor market conditions (in terms of the availability of job seekers and of the types of skills sought); ii. gender differences in labor market behaviour and outcomes with particular attention to career consequences of workers' choices. Iii. the impact of stereotypes (context) on workers' labor market outcomes; iii. structural economic change and the growth of the service industries.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in August 2008.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 14455
Giovanni Russo, Gijs Van Houten
published in: Polachek, S.W., Tatsiramos, K., Russo, G. and van Houten, G. (eds.), Workplace Productivity and Management Practices (Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 49), Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021, 85-106.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10207
published in: S. W. Polachek, K. Pouliakis, G. Russo, K. Tatsiramos (eds.), Skill Mismatch in Labor Market (Research in Labor Economics, 45), Emerald Publishing, 2017, 409 - 445
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5828
published in: Industrial Relations, 2012, 51 (4), 892–915
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4412
published in: Journal of Economic Psychology, 2011, 32 (1), 103-119
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4008
published in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2014, 76 (3), 432-455
IZA Discussion Paper No. 1468
published as "The Part-Time Wage Gap: a Career Perspective" in: De Economist, 2008, 156 (2), 145-174