Morten Lau

Research Fellow

Copenhagen Business School

Morten Lau is Professor of Experimental Economics at Copenhagen Business School, and Professor of Behavioral Finance at Durham University. His current research interests include risk and uncertainty aversion, time preferences and dynamic consistency, experimental economics and health economics. He has been the leader and principal investigator on several large research projects, and has made significant contributions in the area of “field experiments.” He has designed and evaluated field experiments in Denmark that lead to several landmark publications on the elicitation of risk and time preferences. His most recent work in this area is focused on the interaction between risk and time preferences and the elicitation of correlation aversion. Professor Lau has previously worked as an economist in the Danish Ministry of Business and Industry before joining Durham University in 2005. He joined Copenhagen Business School as an Adjunct Professor in 2012 and as a full professor in 2013.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in August 2014.

