Our local team in Bonn is complemented by the international IZA research network of fellows and affiliates. Many of our alumni have continued their academic careers at prestigious institutions worldwide. Search across or within the groups below and use different attributes to refine your search.

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Balgova, Maria

Research Fellow and Associated Member

Bank of England

Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu

Research Fellow

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Blien, Uwe

Research Fellow

Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg

Bruno, Randolph Luca

Research Fellow

University College London

Burda, Michael C.

Research Fellow

Humboldt University Berlin

Chau, Nancy H.

Research Fellow

Cornell University

Chen, Yiu Por (Vincent)

Research Fellow

ILO International Labour Organization

Dauth, Wolfgang

Research Fellow

Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung

Fleisher, Belton M.

Research Fellow

Ohio State University

Heuermann, Daniel F.

Research Fellow

University of Europe for Applied Sciences

Hunter, Boyd

Research Fellow

Australian National University

Karanassou, Marika

Research Fellow

Queen Mary, University of London

Köllő, János

Research Fellow

Institute of Economics, Budapest

Konseiga, Adama

Research Fellow

Ministry of Tourism, Quebec

Kramer, Anica

Research Fellow

University of Bamberg

Krupka, Douglas J.

Research Fellow (deceased)

University of Michigan

Li, Shi

Research Fellow

Beijing Normal University

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