Zeynel Abidin Ozdemir

Research Fellow

Ankara HBV University

Zeynel Abidin Ozdemir is a professor of economics at department of economics at the Ankara HBV University, Ankara, Turkey. Prior to that, he was professor of economics at department of economics at the University of Gazi, Ankara in Turkey from May 2005 to July 2018. He was postdoctoral fellows at Department of Economics and Related Studies at University of York in UK from 2002 to 2004. He has been a research fellow of Economic Research Forum (ERF), Cairo, Egypt since 2011. He received his PhD in economics from Cukurova University in 2002. His main research interests span labour economic, econometrics, macroeconomic, and international finance theory and policy. His publications include articles in academic journals (Scottish Journal of Political Economy, International Journal of Manpower, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Empirical Economics, Review of Development Economics, Economic Modelling, Empirica, Public Finance Review, International Journal of Finance & Economics, and International Review of Economics & Finance and other journals). He has been in the editorial board of Ekonomik Yaklasim.

Zeynel Abidin Ozdemir joined IZA as a Research Fellow in February 2020.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 11895
Aysit Tansel, Halil Ibrahim Keskin, Zeynel Abidin Ozdemir
substantially revised version published as 'Public-Private Sector Wage Gap by Gender in Egypt: Evidence from Quantile Regression on Panel Data, 1998-2018' in: World Development, 2020, 135, 105060
IZA Discussion Paper No. 11053
Luis A. Gil-Alana, Zeynel Abidin Ozdemir, Aysit Tansel
published in: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018, 55 (1), 201-217.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10178
substantially revised version published as 'Unemployment Invariance Hypothesis, Added and Discouraged Workers in Canada' in: International Journal of Manpower, 2018, 39 (7), 929-936.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9359
Aysit Tansel, Halil Ibrahim Keskin, Zeynel Abidin Ozdemir
revised version published as 'Is There an Informal Employment Wage Penalty ine from Egypt: EvidencQuantile Regression on Panel Data' in: Empirical Economics, 2020, 58 (6), 2949-2979.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8834
published in Applied Economics Letters, 2016, 23 (3), 184-187
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8773
revised version published as 'Transitions across Labor Market States Including Formal/Informal Division in Egypt' in: Review of Development Economics, 2020, 23 (4), 1674-1695.
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