Research Interests
- applied game theory
- behavioral economics
- behavioral labor economics
- behavioral personnel econmics
- beliefs on labor market chances
- compensation
- contract theory
- contracts and work incentives
- cooperation in teams
- corporate finance
- digitalization
- dynamic games
- economic theory
- economics of incentive
- efficiency wages
- employee motivation
- employment contracts
- firm organization
- incentive theory
- labor and personnel economics
- labor market institutions
- microeconomics
- minimum wage
- organizational economics
- organizations and incentive systems
- other-regarding preferences
- overconfidence
- performance pay
- personnel economics
- principal-agent problems
- relational contracts
- trust
- unemmployment insurance
IZA Publications
IZA Discussion Paper No. 17042
published in: Economic Journal, 2025, 135 (665), 144–179
IZA Discussion Paper No. 16427
IZA Discussion Paper No. 16333