Our global research network ist the largest in labor economics. It consists of more than 2,000 experienced Research Fellows und young Research Affiliates from more than 450 research institutions in the field. IZA's network activities are supported  by a Network Advisory Panel which represents a range of diverse viewpoints and constituencies, including a mix of different seniorities within the profession. The geography of our network underscores our ambition to integrate and stimulate labor economics worldwide. Read more about the appointment process.

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Marcus, Jan

Research Affiliate

Free University of Berlin

Maré, David C.

Research Fellow

Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust

Margolis, David N.

Research Fellow

Paris School of Economics

Mariani, Fabio

Research Fellow

Université catholique de Louvain

Marie, Olivier

Research Fellow

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Marinescu, Ioana E.

Research Fellow

University of Pennsylvania

Markussen, Simen

Research Fellow

Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research

Martínez Matute, Marta

Research Fellow

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Martins, Pedro S.

Research Fellow

Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Marx, Paul

Research Fellow

University of Bonn

Marx, Ive

Research Fellow

University of Antwerp

Mas, Alexandre

Research Fellow

UC Berkeley

Masella, Paolo

Research Fellow

University of Bologna