Giovanni Mastrobuoni is currently Carlo Alberto Chair at the Collegio Carlo Alberto and Professor of Economics at the University of Torino.

He obtained a PhD in Economics from Princeton University in 2006. His research focuses on public economics, labor economics, and on the economics of crime. He has published in international journals, and after his PhD he received the following awards: the 2011 Princeton University Albert Rees Prize, the 2009 Carlo Giannini Prize for the best paper presented at the Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, the 2008 Steven H. Sandell Grant Award from Boston College, the 2007 Honorable Mention Dissertation Award from the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, and the 2007 National Academy of Social Insurance’s Heinz Dissertation Award.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in October 2011.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 6360
published in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2014, 6(1), 1-37
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