Marco Manacorda

Research Fellow

Queen Mary, University of London

Marco Manacorda is a Professor of Economics at Queen Mary University of London, and a Research Associate at CEP, at the London School of Economics. He is also a Research Affiliate of CEPR (London) as well as a Research Fellow of CESIFO (Munich) and a Research Affiliate of the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti (Milan).

Marco's research is at the crossroad between Labor and Development Economics, having so far has analyzed topics as varied as International Migration, Family Arrangements and Fertility, Social Protection, Voting, Unemployment, Skills Mismatch, Labor Market Informality, Wage Inequality, Wage Institutions, Schooling, Child Labor and Early Child Development. He has written and researched on Europe, the USA, Latin America and Africa. His work appears - among other outlets - in the American Economic Review, The American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics, The Journal of Labor Economics, The Journal of Public Economics, The Journal of the European Economic Association and The Industrial and Labor Relations Review.

Marco holds a Masters in Economics from the London School of Economics and a Ph.D. in Economics from UCL.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in November 2007.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 9841
published in: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2020, 12 (2), 67 - 95
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9211
published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2016, 119, 16-33.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6231
published in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2016, 8 (2), 1 - 43
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2352
updated version published as 'The Impact of Immigration on the Structure of Wages: Theory and Evidence from Britain' in Journal of the American Economic Association, 2012, 10 (1), 120 - 151