Arcangelo’s research interests focus on modern development economics, with broad applications to labor, political economy, education, gender and family. Part of his research concentrates on the long-term influence of the institution of slavery on contemporary human capital accumulation, racial inequality, and family formation.

The other line of research looks at the political economic implications of the enfranchisement of youths and females, causes and consequences of civil conflicts, the long-term influence of bio-geographical conditions, and the origins of the Italian “mafia”.

Arcangelo Dimico joined IZA as a Research Fellow in February 2019.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 14238
published as 'JUE insight: COVID-19, race, and gender' in: Journal of Urban Economics, 2024, 141, 103484
IZA Discussion Paper No. 11082
Graziella Bertocchi, Arcangelo Dimico, Francesco Lancia, Alessia Russo
published in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12, 2020, 1-32
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9102
revised version published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2019, 140, 90-105
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6741
revised version published in: Constitutional Political Economy, 2017, 28, 321-345
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6192
revised version published as 'The Racial Gap in Education and the Legacy of Slavery' in: Journal of Comparative Economics, 2012, 40, 581-595
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6017
revised version published as 'De Jure and De Facto Determinants of Power: Evidence from Mississippi' in: Constitutional Political Economy, 2017, 28, 321-345
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