Prof. Dr. Florian Zimmermann

Externe Veröffentlichungen

Artikel in referierten Zeitschriften

Stories, Statistics and Memory (with Thomas Graeber and Christopher Roth). 2024, Quarterly Journal of Economics, accpeted.Summary at VoxEU.

Motivated Climate Change Denial? Evidence From a Representative Survey Experiment (with Lasse Stoetzer). 2024. Nature Climate Change, 2024, 14, 198–204.

Associative Memory, Beliefs and Market Interactions (with Benjamin Enke and Frederik Schwerter), 2023, Journal of Financial Economics (accepted).

Self-Assessment: The Role of the Social Environment (with Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse and Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch). 2023, Journal of Public Economics (accepted).

Motivated Memory in Economics - a Review (with Andrea Amelio). February 2023. Games - Special Issue on "Economics of Motivated Beliefs"

Attention and Dread: Experimental Evidence on Preferences for Information (with Armin Falk).  2022.  Management Science, accepted. (Aktualisierte Version von "Beliefs and Utility: Experimental Evidence on Preferences for Information")

Moral Universalism and the Structure of Ideology (with Benjamin Enke and Ricardo Rodriguez-Padilla). 2022, Review of Economic Studies, accepted. (Econimate Video)

Moral Universalism: Measurement and Economic Relevance (with Benjamin Enke and Ricardo Rodriguez-Padilla). Management Science, 2022, 68(5), 3590-3603.

The Dynamics of Motivated Beliefs. American Economic Review, 2020, 110(2), 337-61.

Determinants of Trust: The Role of Personal Experiences (with Frederik Schwerter). Games and Economic Behavior, 2020, 122, 413-425.

Correlation Neglect in Belief Formation (with Benjamin Enke). Review of Economic Studies, 2019, 86(1), 313-332. (Subjects' Instructions)

Learning about Job Search: A Field Experiment with Job Seekers in Germany (with Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk and Simon Jäger). Journal of Public Economics, 2018, 164, 33-49. (Summary at VoxEU)

Information Processing and Commitment (with Armin Falk). The Economic Journal, 2018, 613(1), 1983-2002.

The Limits of Expectations-Based Reference Dependence (with Uri Gneezy, Lorenz Goette, Charles Sprenger). Journal of the European Economic Association, 2017, 15(4), 861-876. (Online Appendix)

Consistency as a Signal of Skills (with Armin Falk). Management Science, 2017, 63(7), 2197-2210. (Subjects' Instructions)

Image and Misreporting (with Mara Ewers). Journal of the European Economic Association, 2015, 12(2), 363-380.

Clumped or Piecewise? - Evidence on Preferences for Information. Management Science, 2015, 61(4), 740-753. (Subjects' Instructions).



Working Papers

A Note on Motivated Cognition and Discriminatory Beliefs (with Lasse Stötzer). June 2023.