Stefani Milovanska-Farrington
Research Affiliate
University of Tampa
- academic achievement
- academic performance
- aging
- aging population
- applied economics
- applied game theory
- applied labor economics
- applied micro-economics
- applied microeconomics
- applied social policy analysis
- aspirations
- behavioral labor economics
- behavioral personnel econmics
- beliefs
- birth outcomes
- capital accumulation
- career choice
- career development
- cash transfer programs
- cash transfers
- causal inference
- child care
- child development
- child health
- child labor and schooling
- child outcomes
- child support
- child use of time
- child welfare
- child well-being
- children
- cognitive skills
- culture and fertility
- decision-making
- demographic behavior
- demographic change
- demographic economics
- demography
- discrimination
- discrimination in the labor market
- early child development
- early child investment
- early childhood
- early childhood development
- early childhood health
- early childhood interventions
- early childhood investments
- early childhood outcomes
- earnings
- earnings and gender inequalities
- earnings inequality
- economic policy
- economics of aging
- economics of education
- economics of educational
- economics of gender
- economics of happiness
- economics of health
- economics of higher education
- economics of labor
- economics of marriage
- economics of obesity
- economics of the family
- economics of the welfare state
- economics teaching
- education
- education and health economics
- education and inequality
- education and labor market
- education and Skills
- education and training
- education disparities
- education economics
- education issues
- education policies
- education policy
- education-labor market linkages
- educational attainment
- educational choices
- educational evaluation
- educational policies
- educational policy
- effects of social policies
- elderly
- emotions
- empirical health economics
- empirical labor
- empirical Labor economics
- empirical microeconomics
- employment
- employment benefits
- employment determination
- employment discrimination
- ethnicity
- ethnicity and gender effects intergenerational economic effects
- fairness
- families
- family
- family economics
- family and demographic economics
- family and labor market
- family dynamics
- family economics
- family formation
- family friendly policies
- family income
- family planning
- family policies
- family responses to income shocks
- family structure
- female employment
- female labor force participation
- female labor participation
- female labor supply
- female promotion
- fertility
- fertility behavior
- fertility choices
- fertility decisions
- fertility rates
- fertiliy
- fetal and early childhood development
- financial literacy
- financial literacy and education
- food programs
- food security
- game theory
- gender
- gender differences
- gender differences in earnings
- gender differentials
- gender differentials in outcomes
- gender discrimination
- gender disparities
- gender earnings gap
- gender economics
- gender gap
- gender gaps
- gender inequalities
- gender inequality
- gender pay gap
- government policy
- government programs
- health
- health and earnings
- health and health care
- health and labor
- health and obesity
- health and well-being
- health and work
- health at birth
- health behavior
- health behaviors
- health care
- health care choice
- health outcomes
- health policy
- higher education
- higher education policy
- household
- household behavior
- household consumption and savings
- household decision-making
- household economic
- household economics
- household finance
- household financial decision-making
- household labor supply
- household structure
- human capital and skills
- income
- inequality
- infant health
- job quality
- job satisfaction
- labor economics
- labor economics policies
- labor force participation
- labor market
- labor market behavior
- labor market differentials by gender
- labor market discrimination
- labor market policy
- labor markets and health
- labor policy
- labor supply
- life satisfaction
- marriage
- marriage and health
- microeconomics
- motivation
- nutrition
- obesity
- panel data methods
- pay differentials
- policy
- policy analysis
- policy evaluation
- population
- population aging
- population economics
- portfolio choice
- public assistance
- public economics
- public education
- public health
- public policy analysis
- race and ethnicity
- returns to schooling
- risk preferences
- savings
- school choice
- school readiness
- schooling
- schooling outcomes
- subjective well-being
- subsidies
- time use
- wage differentials
- wage gap
- wages
- welfare
- well-being
- women's employment issue
- women's health outcomes
- work and family life
- work hours
- working hours
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14274
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14273
published in: Journal of Economic Studies, 2023, 50 (2), 300-323
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14272
updated version published as 'The Effect of Covid-19 as an Economic Shock on the Gender and Ethnic Gap in Labor Market Outcomes' in: Studies in Microeconomics, 2021, 9 (2), 227–255
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14271
published in: Research in Economics, 2021, 75 (3), 286 - 304
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14270
published in: Acta Psychologica, 2022, 230, 103720