Dedicated to high-quality research on labor markets, inequality and behavior

IZA is a platform committed to advancing high-quality research on the role of labor markets for economic inequality, and the behavioral aspects influencing these areas. Our mission encompasses scientific policy advice, the active transfer of current knowledge, and the promotion of young talent. IZA combines its global network of over 2,000 distinguished economists from 60 countries and a group of dedicated researchers in its local campus in Bonn, Germany. This collaborative effort of IZA’s network and its local team fosters an inclusive and highly productive research environment that contributes to bridging the gap between scientific inquiry and societal impact. IZA’s scholarly activities are coordinated by Research Directors Ingo Isphording and Florian Zimmermann, supported by a Network Advisory Panel which represents a range of diverse viewpoints and constituencies, including a mix of different seniorities within the profession.


We offer a wide range of publications that cater to both an academic and a general audience.


Our event agenda consists of annual conferences, focused workshops, and weekly seminars. Forthcoming events include:

Advanced Course on Evaluating Social Programmes
November 11-13, 2024 Cairo, Egypt
New Perspectives on the Minimum Wage
3rd IZA/OECD Workshop
November 21, 2024 Online
Call for Papers: 1st IZA PhD Workshop in Labor and Behavioral Economics
June 12-13, 2025 IZA, Bonn Deadline January 31, 2025

People at IZA

About IZA

IZA is a nonprofit research institute and the leading international network in labor economics, comprising around 2,000 scholars from over 60 countries. The unique combination of in-house research capacity and global network activities enables us to draw on cutting-edge expertise in conducting research projects and providing evidence-based policy advice. We provide platforms for knowledge exchange and make relevant research findings accessible for policy practitioners and the general public. Established in 1998, IZA is supported by the Deutsche Post Foundation and affiliated with the University of Bonn.

More about IZA


Forschungsinstitut zur
Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA)

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 5–9
53113 Bonn, Germany