09:00 |
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10:00 |
Keynote Address II |
David A. Robalino (World Bank and IZA)
Selim El Sayegh (Former Minister of Social Affairs, Lebanon) |
"The Social Policy Reform and the Dynamic of the Labor Market"
10:00 |
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10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 |
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12:00 |
Parallel Session D |
Special OECD Session D.1
Labor Market Dynamics and Job Quality |
Stefano Scarpetta (OECD and IZA)
10:30 |
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11:00 |
Ana Llena-Nozal (OECD), Michael Förster (OECD), Wen-Hao Chen (OECD) |
"Non-Standard Work: Alternative Pathways to Employment?"
11:00 |
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11:30 |
Judit Vall Castello (Universitat de Girona and IZA), José Garcia Perez (Universidad Pablo De Olavide), Ioana Marinescu (University Of Chicago) |
"Can Fixed-Term Contracts Put Low Skilled Youth On A Better Career Path? Evidence From Spain"
11:30 |
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12:00 |
Julián Messina (World Bank and IZA) |
"Economic Mobility and the Rise of the Latin American Middle Class"
Session D.2
Incentives, Human Capital and Formalization |
Corrado Giulietti (IZA)
10:30 |
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11:00 |
Axel Demenet (IRD, DIAL, Paris), Mireille Razafindrakoto (IRD, DIAL, Paris), François Roubaud (IRD, DIAL, Paris) |
"Do informal businesses gain from registration? Panel data evidence from Vietnam"
11:00 |
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11:30 |
Italo Lopez Garcia (University College London) |
"Human Capital and Labor Informalit in Developing Countries: A Structural Dynamic Approach"
11:30 |
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12:00 |
Corrado Giulietti (IZA), Costanza Biavaschi (IZA), Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA and University of Bonn) |
"Sibling Influence on the Human Capital of the Left Behind"
Session D.3
Informality and Labor Market Regulations |
Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna and IZA)
10:30 |
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11:00 |
Paula Herrera-Idarraga (University of Barcelona), Enrique López-Bazo (University of Barcelona), Elisabet Motellón (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and University of Barcelona) |
"Double Penalty in Returns to Education: Informality and Educational Mismatch in the Colombian Labor market. "
11:00 |
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11:30 |
Mustafa Ulus (Galatasaray University), Olivier Charlot (THEMA, University of Cergy-Pontoise), Franck Malherbet (CREST, Ecole Polytechnique, IZA and fRDB) |
"Unemployment Compensation and the Allocation of Labor in Developing Countries"
11:30 |
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12:00 |
Anzelika Zaiceva (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and IZA), Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna and IZA) |
"Informal Employment in Russia: Extent, Incidence, Determinants and Labor Market Segmentation"
Session D.4
Recessions, Wages and Unemployment Insurance |
Yi Fan (London School of Economics)
10:30 |
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11:00 |
Nicholas Giannakopoulos (University of Patras), Joan Daouli (University of Patras), Michael Demoussis (University of Patras), Ioannis Laliotis (University of Patras) |
"The Wage Curve During the Great Depression in Greece"
11:00 |
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11:30 |
Paula Nagler (Maastricht University) |
"How Unemployment Insurance Savings Accounts Affect Employment Duration: Evidence from Chile"
11:30 |
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12:00 |
Yi Fan (London School of Economics) |
"Adolescent Shock, Resilience, and Long-Run Effects on Income and Consumption"
12:00 |
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13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
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15:00 |
Parallel Session E |
Special ILO Session E.1
The Labor Markets of Emerging Economies: Has Growth Translated Into More and Better Jobs? |
Arnab K. Basu (Cornell University and IZA)
13:30 |
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13:55 |
Sandrine Cazes (ILO International Labour Organization) |
"Labor Markets in Emerging Countries: Challenges for Policies and Institutions"
13:55 |
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14:20 |
Sher Verick (ILO International Labour Organization and IZA) |
"Education and the Labor Market in Four Emerging Economies"
14:20 |
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14:40 |
Gary S. Fields (Cornell University and IZA) |
14:40 |
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15:00 |
General Discussion |
Session E.2
Minimum Wages and Informality |
Daniel Haanwinckel (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio))
13:30 |
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14:00 |
Vidhya Soundararajan (Cornell University) |
"Minimum Wages and Enforcement in India Inverted U-shaped Employment Effects"
14:00 |
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14:30 |
Carla Canelas (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) |
"Minimum Wage, Informality, and Poverty: To What Extend Are They Interrelated. An Application to Ecuadorian Data."
14:30 |
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15:00 |
Daniel Haanwinckel (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)), Rodrigo Soares (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and IZA) |
"A Compensating Differentials Theory of Informal Labor Markets: Quantitative Model and Implications for a Developing Country"
Session E.3
Female Employment, Fertility and Education |
Linguère Mously Mbaye (IZA)
13:30 |
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14:00 |
Janneke Pieters (IZA), Isis Gaddis (University of Goettingen and World Bank) |
"Trade Liberalization and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Brazil"
14:00 |
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14:30 |
Yoon Y. Cho (World Bank and IZA), Davie Kalomba (National AIDS Commission in Malawi), Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University), Victor Orozco (World Bank) |
"Differential Effects of Vocational Training on Men and Women and the Bias from Program Drop-Outs"
14:30 |
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15:00 |
Linguère Mously Mbaye (IZA), Natascha Wagner (ISS) |
"Bride Price and Fertility Decisions: Evidence from Rural Senegal"
Session E.4
Productivity and Job Creation |
Bob Rijkers (World Bank)
13:30 |
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14:00 |
Carlos Lamarche (University of Kentucky and IZA) |
"Industry-Wide Work Rules and Productivity: Evidence From Argentine Union Contract Data"
14:00 |
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14:30 |
Angel Calderón-Madrid (El Colegio de México) |
"Small Firms’ Productivity and Survival Performance in Mexico: An Analysis Based on Economic Census Micro Datasets"
14:30 |
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15:00 |
Bob Rijkers (World Bank), Hassen Arrouri (Institut National de La Statistique, Tunisia), Caroline Freund (World Bank), Antonio Nucifora (World Bank) |
"Structural Stagnation: Firm-Level Evidence on Job Creation in Tunisia"
15:00 |
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16:30 |
Parallel Session F |
Special Session F.1
Global Wage Indicator Data: New Opportunities for Employment and Development Research |
Martin Kahanec (Central European University and IZA)
15:00 |
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15:10 |
Paulien Osse (WageIndicator) |
"WageIndicator in 70 Countries"
15:10 |
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15:20 |
Martin Guzi (IZA), Kea G. Tijdens (AIAS, University of Amsterdam) |
"The WageIndicator Dataset: Global Scale, Local Foci, Personalized Tools"
15:20 |
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15:30 |
Godius Kahyayara (University of Dar es Salaam) |
"Offline Data Collection in East and West Africa"
15:30 |
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16:00 |
Kea Tijdens (University of Amsterdam), Janna Besamusca (University of Amsterdam), Maarten van Klaveren (University of Amsterdam) |
"Who Has an Informal Job and How is the Job Paid? A Job-based Informality Index for Nine Sub-Saharan African Countries"
16:00 |
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16:30 |
Pablo de Pedraza (Universidad de Salamanca), Martin Guzi (IZA) |
"Studying Life Satisfaction Determinants of Brazilian Workers Using Wageindicator Data"
Session F.2
Youth Education and Youth Employment |
Asmus Zoch (Stellenbosch University)
15:00 |
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15:30 |
Carlos Henrique Corseuil (Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), Brazil), Miguel Foguel (IPEA), Gustavo Gonzaga (PUC-Rio), Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro (UFRJ) |
"Youth Labor Market In Brazil Through The Lens Of The Flow Approach"
15:30 |
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16:00 |
Asmus Zoch (Stellenbosch University) |
"Understanding the Underlying Dynamics of the Reservation Wage for South African’s Youth"
Session F.3
Labor Market Policies and Job Security |
Stefano Scarpetta (OECD and IZA)
15:00 |
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15:30 |
Alexander Krauss (World Bank) |
"Job creation across East Asia Pacific"
15:30 |
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16:00 |
Thomas Bernhardt (The New School) |
"Developing Countries in the Global Apparel Value Chain: A Tale of Upgrading and Downgrading Experiences"
16:00 |
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16:30 |
Stefano Scarpetta (OECD and IZA), Alexander Hijzen (OECD), Leopoldo Mondauto (Italia Lavoro and IMT Lucca) |
"The Perverse Effects of Job-Security Provisions on Job Security in Italy: Results from a Regression Discontinuity Design"
Session F.4
Labor and Income Mobility |
Yang Song (Renmin University of China)
15:00 |
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15:30 |
Anda David (IRD, DIAL, Paris), Mohamed Al Marouani (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) |
"The Impact of Labor Mobility on Unemployment: A Comparison Between Jordan and Tunisia"
15:30 |
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16:00 |
Gary S. Fields (Cornell University and IZA), Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-CONICET and IZA), Mariana Viollaz (CEDLAS-CONICET) |
"Can the Limitations of Panel Datasets be Overcome by Using Pseudo-Panels to Estimate Income Mobility?"
16:00 |
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16:30 |
Yang Song (Renmin University of China), Gary S. Fields (Cornell University and IZA) |
"A Theoretical Model of the Chinese Labor Market"
16:30 |
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17:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:00 |
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18:00 |
Closing Panel Discussion |
Arup Banerji (World Bank and IZA)
Robert Holzmann (University of Malaya and IZA)
Tan Mei Ling (Pemandu)
Selim El Sayegh (Former Minister of Social Affairs, Lebanon)
Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA and University of Bonn) |